


1 regular cedar plank, soaked in water
8 Twinkies (4 pkg.)
3⁄4 cup (175 mL) Nutella (chocolate hazelnut spread)
6 Oreo cookies, smashed into chunks
1⁄2 cup (125 mL) mini marshmallows
1⁄4 cup (60 mL) chocolate toffee pieces


Taken from Napoleon’s Everyday Gourmet Plank Grilling.

I was tailgating in Buffalo at a Buffalo Bills game when the inspiration for this recipe hit me. I’m not sure if it was the testosterone overload, the beer, the Jack or the combination of the three, but the crowds loved them. Truly evil decadence! This is proof that anything can be planked!

Preheat grill to medium-low heat. Arrange the Twinkies on the plank. Slather the top of the Twinkies evenly with Nutella. Sprinkle with mini Oreo chunks, marshmallows and chocolate toffee pieces. Place plank on grill and close lid. Allow Twinkies to heat and smoke slowly for 15 minutes, until marshmallows are golden brown and everything is heated through. Remove from grill and serve immediately with a big glass of milk.